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Imogen Hales

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Artist Bio

Imogen is a New Zealand raised artist and designer based in Edinburgh. Since graduating from Edinburgh College of Art in 2017 with a BA (Hons) in Painting her practice has evolved and expanded to include silversmithing and printmaking- principally monotype and etching. Most recently she has exhibited her work at Leith Theatre as part of Hidden Door festival. Previous Edinburgh and West Lothian based exhibitions include Chrysalis  (2017), at Dok, Third Try- Mester (2016) at St Margaret's House, and Out/In (2015) at West Barnes Studios. 

Artist Statement

My practice is primarily print based; I am very drawn to the process of transferring images between surfaces and across different media, and the unplanned and unexpected results this often yields. Like a game of Chinese whispers, each new iteration of an image subtly evolves or devolves. Though I plan an image and prepare its corresponding plate carefully, slight variations in ink viscosity, paper surface and press pressure can significantly affect the resulting print in ways which can often be surprising. In this way the print process itself becomes an active participant in the art-making, and I enjoy the act of relinquishing an element of control over the final image. 

The way that I treat form, repetition and pattern in my prints is informed by my silversmithing practice, which I'm discovering is feeding more and more into the way I approach making art as a whole. The forms I create in metal, which subsequently find their way into the prints, are organic and playful. 

Paradoxically, working in metal frees me to make more spontaneous and less calculated work- despite the seemingly cool, solid and unyielding nature of the material. 



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