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Lucia de Palau

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Artist Bio


Lucia de Palau is an artist born in Barcelona and based in London. She is currently studying an MA at the Royal College of Art, graduating this year. She has been exhibiting her work in different countries such as Spain (Barcelona, Madrid, Málaga, Guadalajara), London and she also participated in a Nakanojo Biennale, in Japan on 2017. She has organized a workshop at the RCA about Queering the practice which was focused on ideas about queer access to art institutions, fair distribution, archiving queer experiences and many more questions around different strategies to consider in order to disrupt institutionalized spaces and bring a fair representation, visibility and solidarity within the queer community. She is also one of the organizers of the Queer society at the Royal College of Art where, along other people, doing events, exhibitions, workshops between other things.


Artist Statement

The ontology of materials as story tellers, as holders of something in the state of transformation. A poetic rhythm of becoming utopia in matter. A space with a set of different material combinations which presents a particular way of inhabiting space through the sense of transformation, care and rhythm. An alternative possibility, an encounter with a speculative ontology of materials and their belonging in fiction. The fantasy of something else.

I work with installations, video and music to generate those spaces.



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